Why Tar & Gravel Roof Replacement has Become Outdated

In this piece we’re going to explore why it’s time for property owners to turn away from tar & Gravel roof replacement in favor of high performance spray foam roofing. Read on to find out more!

A Non Eco-Friendly Option

In this day and age its very important that any property upgrades we make are done so with the environment in mind. Tar and gravel roofing, also known as built-up roofing (BUR), is not considered to be a very environmentally friendly roofing option for a number of reasons.

Firstly, tar & Gravel roof replacement requires materials which can damage the local environment. BUR roofing is a tar-based (foam is also petroleum based) product that emits volatile organic compounds (VOCs) during installation. These VOCs can contribute towards air pollution and even have the potential to cause harm to humans. Additionally, the tar used for BUR roofing is non-biodegradable, which means it can take hundreds of years to decompose if disposed of in a landfill site.

The gravel used for BUR roofing is typically made from pea gravel or stone, which is a non-renewable resource. The production of gravel on a large-scale can also contribute to environmental damage due to the extraction of raw materials, significant energy consumption during transportation, and local habitat destruction.

Lastly, when a tar & Gravel roof has reached the end of its useful life, it can be messy and difficult to remove and dispose of because it tends to be very heavy and difficult to recycle or repurpose, and the removal process can generate a significant amount of waste that often ends up in a landfill.

Don’t Be Fooled by False Economy

Whilst it’s true that you might be given a cheaper quote for a tar & Gravel roof replacement than you would for a professional application of spray foam roofing, don’t let this be your deciding factor. Remember these additional factors which will contribute towards the cost- effectiveness of your chosen roofing solution over its lifespan:

● Ease and cost of maintenance and repair

● The expected lifespan of the chosen roofing solution

● Potential environmental damage of tar and gravel roofing

● The cost and time taken to dispose of it at the end of its life

● The insulation value of the chosen roofing solution and what that equates to in monetary terms

When all the above factors are weighed-up, SPF roofing comes out on top as the clear winner. You can contact Foam Roof Solutions today to find out more about installing spray foam roofing in Sacramento and the Bay Area. 

View Original Source Here - https://www.evernote.com/shard/s685/sh/de7abc94-5f6e-e7f6-0ef5-9c8845a7f42f/Bffvt0knTtcjTfp1pP7gV4-nWmlrd4pI8gTXUexQteIHARA0-_w5S-3ntg 

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