Residential Foam Roofing - Some Common Questions Answered

According to the Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Association SPFA market research shows that, in the U.S. alone, over 1.5 billion pounds of foam is used annually. Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) is used for Foam roofing and it’s a very popular choice for flat-roofed residential homes. Commercial foam roofing was first introduced in the 1970s, but it wasn’t until the early 2000s that demand for residential foam roofing rose significantly.

North America is the largest market for SPF in America (Stratview data), of which spray roofing accounts for a significant percentage. Why has the increase in demand been so rapid in the U.S.? What’s been driving demand is the need to conserve energy, and the need to protect the environment, also safety (fire prevention), health (allergen and damp control). Residential foam roofing in the Bay Area is particularly popular due to its suitability for flat roofs.

Sacramento's residential roofing contractors have seen high demand for spray foam roofing, and there’s now plenty of competitors in the market. Residents now have to be discerning when it comes to finding a reputable spray foam contractor who practices industry standards and who has the relevant experience.

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Gathered below are some common questions relating to residential roofing contractors in Sacramento:

How long does residential foam roofing last for?

The most common questions residential roofing contractors in Sacramento receive is about life span. Spray foam roofing lasts Indefinitely if maintained properly, and good contractors will provide you with all you need to know about keeping them in good condition.

Why are most residential roofs in the Bay Area flat?

Most homes in the Bay Area have flat roofs in order to maximize space on expensive land, save labor & materials.

Is it ok to walk on a foam roof?

Yes, absolutely; residential roofing contractors in Sacramento use closed-cell foam that’s high density, making it safe to walk on and providing a barrier against moisture.

How often does a foam roof need recoating?

Recoating depends on the quality of coating used when first installed. The sun is the only enemy of a spray foam roof. Typically residential foam roofs in the Bay Area are recoated every 5 to 10 years.

How can I get a grant for a new roof?

Local, state, and federal governments provide home improvement and renovation grants. The Weatherization Assistance Program is one such grant for repairing or replacing roofs. Section 504 of the Home Repair program is another program that offers financial assistance.

Why is spray foam so suitable for residential foam roofing in the Bay Area?

Most spray foam roofs that are exposed to direct sunlight in the Bay Area experience degradation of about 1/16th inch every year. Elastomeric membranes are embedded on the top layer to protect it from U.V. light.

If you live in the Bay Area and are searching for spray foam specialists, contact the Foam Roof Solutions team for expert help and advice on all matters relating to residential foam roofing.

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