Foam Roofing Can Save You A Great Deal Of Time & Money Over Its Lifespan!

Building maintenance can be time consuming and expensive, partially so when it comes to your roof. If you're in the market for a new roof, a spray foam roof should definitely be on your shortlist, so let’s tell you why:

Foam roofing is most commonly used for flat roofs as they are incredibly practical and economical, however they are also suitable for a range of other roof structures too. Spray foam increases insulation significantly, helping to reduce heating and air conditioning bills.

Foam roofing is an affordable solution, one that offers durability and saves energy. Here are a few further key factors as to why foam roofing is such a great solution for your home or businesses: 



One of the first advantages of foam roofing is the speed and ease with which it can be applied. If you choose to hire a professional to install your foam roofing (which we highly recommend), they’ll apply a thick coating of sprayed polyurethane foam (SPF). Less than a minute after the polyurethane foam is applied to your roof; it expands to cover the whole surface, completely filling any gaps and holes. 

After the first layer of foam is dry, your professional roof installer will apply a final layer of foam to form an impenetrable barrier. 

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Energy Consumption

By making this switch to foam roofing, you'll save up to 30% on energy costs associated with cooling, as the insulation provided by your foam roofing means your air conditioner won’t need to work as hard, saving you money and helping to reduce your carbon footprint - Win, Win!

Because SPF is 100% attached to the substrate as a liquid and dries to a solid, there is no airflow on top of your roof, therefore creating a “vapor barrier” which keeps your warm air inside your home all winter!

 Long Lifespan 

An SPF roof lasts indefinitely with proper maintenance, so just imagine the amount of time and money you and your family as well as any future owners of the property can save!

SPF roofing is an investment for the future, and can help you increase the profitability of your business by bringing down your utility bills. For the best foam roofing contractors in the Bay Area, look no further than Foam Roof Solutions!

Foam Roof Solutions are incredibly well respected, offering high quality foam roofing for residential, industrial and commercial structures. 

When it comes to roofing, you should never look to cut corners. Foam Roof Solutions go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure your home has the best foam roofing in the Bay Area. 

Connect with Foam Roof Solutions today!

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