How to Ensure That Your Metal Roofing is Energy Efficient

Metal roofing can be found on many commercial and industrial buildings due to how quick it is to install and how affordable it can be. However, metal roofing does have a significant drawback in that, without adequate insulation, it has a very low energy efficiency rating. Spray foam roofing is a very effective form of metal roofing insulation which can help to dramatically reduce the carbon footprint of both commercial and industrial properties. So, if you are faced with the prospect of repairing, or replacing a metal roof in Sacramento or the Bay Area, spray foam roofing is the way to go! Here are the 10 top considerations concerning metal roof insulation: Insulation material - There are a number of insulation options for metal roofing, such as spray foam, fiberglass, and cellulose. Spray foam roofing is quick to apply, affordable and makes very little mess. R-value - The R-value is a measure of insulation's resistance to heat flow. The greater the R-value number, the more effe...