Why is Residential Foam Roofing in The Bay Area Such a Popular Solution?

Foam roofing has been around for a long time. Polyurethane foam first surfaced as a material in the early 1900s and was initially used in industry as an insulating material. It wasn’t until the 1970s that polyurethane foam was first used in the form of spray foam roofing. Spray foam roofing is now one of the most popular solutions for property owners as it offers affordable, effective sealing that helps make homes more energy efficient and reduce their carbon footprint. With spray foam roof insulation installed you don’t need to worry about the heat of the mid-summer sun penetrating into your property, which means air condition units require less energy. In the colder months SPF roofing helps retain the heat so you don’t need to use as much energy on heating appliances. Related Links - When you’re looking for a new roof solution, longevity is high on the list of key features. The good news with SPF roofing is that, as long as you have your regular, annual drain cleaning, there really i...